Knowing what is important and what’s not, saves a lot of time. So, have a look at class 9 physics notes containing numerical, short questions, long questions and multiple choice question. We provide you with everything that is related to Physics. From quality notes to books and from exercises to past papers. We recommend you preparing your exams from our notes because we have quality notes and also important questions to share with you. Past papers really give us an understanding of how board exams thing works. So, have a look just scroll through it once, you will be amazed at what a good quality content we have to share. Currently, you can see physics 9th class notes.
Generally, 9th class students face issues when it involves finding the class 9 physics notes. For an equivalent purpose, this site was created wherever the Pakistani students are supplied with the things that they have to urge higher marks in exams. As a result, you are free to download the notes containing numerical, short questions, long questions and multiple choice question below and get the foremost of it. Not only keep this notes restricted to you but also, you must share along with your friends and loving ones. You might be thinking if I share with others, they’d get high marks. This life does not work like this. If you share along with your friends, Allah will reward you.
In addition to, if your friends study in 9th class, you should share this blog or helping site wherever much helpful content about obtaining nice marks in exams are given. If you face any drawback or any problem, send an email to
Send me all the numerical of class 9th physics
Snd mcqs of CHP 4 5 6
Please send me all numerical for CHP 1 3 4 6
Can you make a pdf of the important numerical of all the chapter of 9th physics
Send me numericals of chapter 1
G bas theek hi han Sara hi likha howa ha important to koi nhi ha is ma ….Kal pepper ha or aj ye Mili ha
This happens kiu k paper me sirf SLO question ate h ya phir conceptual — wo sidde sidde questions nai dete
exam me ase question hi ate han.but ab kese aye gay,i dont know.may allah help all of us
Please send urdu medium subjects 9th class
I need physics and math notes for 9th cladd
You can download it from here.
I need physics notes for class 9th send me pdf please
Please provide me physics all chapters solution pdf
Good notes
Best learning app thanks
How can I download it please help
Download option is not available please help
very good notes
good notes
Your notes are very effective in learning.
It is really helpful
Thank you
Ok nice
Your notes very helpful and interesting
Really excellent notes thanks
Plzz send numerical physics öth and 10th
AOA please ineed numerical chap 2 physics
Hello Sir please give me 9th class chemistry notes
search class 9th chemistry notes
and download them
really this website is good for me i like it very much
From where we have to download ?
Just choose the chapter and download it from there it will take some time
Hi assalamualikum contact me on Instagram
Assalam o Alaikum!
Your notes are really helpful, I appreciate your efforts. Have you prepared Urdu Medium notes for class 9th/10th or not yet?
Really very good notes.
These are helpfull but these are not opening in my pdf file
Right. no doubt.👌👌
Really helpful…keep up the good work👍👍
Some mcqs are wrongly answered plz correct them.zaheer awan lecturer Phyiscs
I.e chptr 3 viii mcq
chptr 4 i mcq
And many more
Asslam u Alaikum i need Math physics of 9th nd 1oth notes ..please
Waliakum-o-Asalam, you can download it.
Kindly share
I need 9th class notes.
But there is no option of downloading
I need notes that have more headings for biology and chemistry
Best notes I like this❤️😘
How many chapters are included in physics and maths according to Sindh board
It’s really good.
Sir please upload physics short questions
yes sir plz upload
sarah tumharay pass physics ka send up ka paper hai 9th class ka
I need physics, chemistry and biology notes in English medium
Sir haven’t you any notes for this badge of 9th class 2020, l’m talking about the sort of notes in which only smart syllabus is included ???
I need class 9th kpk physics notes
yes plz need them cause finding included syllabus from these is very difficult
Plz if you upload these notes together not separate. …
yes it will be easy for us to study
Sir I need physics notes and numerical of 9th class please sr
Your MCQs are very helpful but please make MCQs of Numerical as this session 2020-21 my Aga Khan Board Exams are taken as MCQs so please make MCQs of numericals in Physics. Thank you
it’s really good and very helpful for students there is no complex answers it’s really useful for everyone
good notes and very useful thank u
keep it up
Great Work,… I Downloaded all notes for my brother. Keep it up.
best thing is that u can download
these notes helped me alot…… thanks
I need english grammar chapter translation notes
Thanx For Notes Really Helpfull Notes💞
It really very useful for me.
Where are numerical problems
💞 Wonderful notes of both Math and Physics. Whenever I have a problem I consult them.
Thanks a lot. Your effort is appreciated.
Best Regards,
Grade 9 student.
Very help full to me
I want pak studies new notes of class 9th
sindh board hai ye????
Being a physics teacher .
I recommend many of students to have a copy of mcqs attached above.
Gud luck further.
Plz make notes of full book in one pdf file…..
Thank You
I appreciate your all efforts you made.
One of the best website ever. Please keet it up. 😍
Sir !can you please upload examples of chapters
It is very easy and very helpful notes 🙂
Sindh or Punjab board is this
Assalam u alikum , sir plzz mail me islamiat notes and chemistry notes of class 9 and 10
Sir please class 12 1st chapter numericals please
So much better 💯
anyone plzz tell the answer of question 4.5
Thanks 😊👍
Awesome! very helpful
thanks very helpful
Physica numericals
thank you very much it must be help full for new board sceem
Where is solved numericals
hello sir salam i am sadaf from class 9
helloo sir
Search in the site
You will find in💖
Best page for gaining good marks💖
Plz send me numerical of ch 1 and 3
there is a mistake in mcqs no 5 of ch 7 the correct ans is (weight of displaced liquid) according to its definition
ok, we’ll correct it
Sir, how can I download this there is no download option here kindly help me
I need physics all chapter notes
Always find this helpful
There is mistake in unit 5 mcqs number 4 it’s answer is 1600N not 160N
There is no mistake found in it. Answer is correct.
it’s answer is 160N not 1600N. we have to multiply 1.6 with 100 that gives us 160N You can calculate it also to check .
In numericals there are some extra zeros
Assalamu Alaikum
Respected Sir , please I want to download these notes chapter wise but no pdf option is given here on your site. Hope you will understand that each student cannot avail internet service every time. Please make it possible to be downloaded.
Jazakallahu khaira
you can download it.
Sir, Please make guides which contain these all chapters so we can download it easily.
Please upload the numericals
This helps me a lot…But I have a question…Do your notes are verified? I mean that everything you had written in it is correct and on the 9th board…Will it is accepted, need a quick response plz, so that I will start learning from here. JAZAK ALLAH
Yes, it is correct. You can prepare from it.
Great website 💯😁
Good work sir 👍
Yesss bohat hi achay notes ha
Assalamoalaikum sir. sir I need math notes and physics plz send link for downloading
I wonder if you should open a school!
Kindly send me a numerical notes of class. 9th physics
Share your contact details
2 chapter of physics problem number 11 Balochistan board
Nice Notes
very good notes
download kaise karien
Can someone share the link to download these notes of 9 and 10 Physics please?
I need pak studies class 9 notes in english
Quite helpful, Thanks
Please send me chapter 5 numericals
Plz upload national book Federal textbook of physics class 9
Aoa, I need short question notes of 9th class general science Urdu medium
I need physics all chapter note…??
i really like the notes
sir kia isi mesa board ka exam aya ga ya extra bhi kuch karna hoga? kindly reply soon
I need Pakistan studies new notes please
Thanks for this app it is v.v usefull for us ❤️
This is a very helpful notes I hope all students get 100% ‼️ mark in it ❤️
nice is so useful for us
Nice notes 💯
Great 👍 job sir thank you soooooo much for your hard work.
You are provideing such a best note’s , Great job!
Need practice questions for physics
Need full short and long and mcqs solve book
9th class physics numerical ist chapter
Is this same are sindh text book jamshoro or diffrent slybuss??
Need latest question paper according to board pattern
Plz open the download options
I enjoy from your website
Best yarr this is the masterpiece we want I lost my book and I got full marks thanks free ilm love you 😍💝💞I don’t know how to thankyou
I need full chapter notes
I appreciate you .. very satisfying..
Where do you understand by the zero error of a measuring instrument? answer bhejo
Wow And Amazing This is Really Amazing Thankyou Thankyou so much
Yaahh guys the author is right you can download it but his mistake is that he didn’t tell you the method of download it So you can download the PDF of it by clicking on the top right corner of the notes page😊 It works guys go & do that😎😊
This is really amazing 👏
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