Looking for class 9 computer notes? So here you can download it from our website. With the passage of time, computer technology is becoming the most advanced field in the era of science. The rate of computer usage is increasing day by day. Computers had become one of the parts of our daily life and it has made everybody’s life more comfortable. PCs are very beneficial for us because they are useful in schools, in making movies, helpful in banks, and they are even serviceable for communication. From mobiles to a calculator, they all are some like to computer machines.

Chapter 1 – Problem Solving
Chapter 2 – Binary System
Chapter 3 – Networks
Chapter 4 – Data and Privacy
Chapter 5 – Designing Website

We are uploading these guides to enhance your knowledge in the field of advanced computer technology. The first word that comes to our minds is ‘Computer’, so the question is what is a computer? , and why are computers so important? A computer is an electronic device used in almost every field, it is very much accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily. Otherwise, if we try to complete these tasks itself, it takes much more time. Computers have large data storage systems and good information processors. They can be used to store and manage large amounts of data. Moreover, they are very consistent and accurate. You can go through all the information or facts about the computer from these class 9 computer notes.

Normally, 9th Class Punjab Textbook ‘ Computer Science ‘ is your starting point in the era of technology. And this book is a good source for newbies, I suggest you summarize the knowledge from the internet/google other than this book. Let’s talk about the class 9 computer notes. It contains eight posts against each chapter. Each chapter posts has Multiple Choice Questions, Short Questions, and Long Questions.

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This Post Has 64 Comments

  1. Saba

    Jazakallah notes are awesome. I don’t have correct words for admiring you.

    1. Author


      1. M.Abdullah

        sir fedral board ke notes available ha?

        1. Muhammad Zulnoraen Zulkiful

          No download option otherwise a good app. Computer class 9 chapter 2 no short questions what so ever but I recommend you to download it.

  2. Muzammil Khan

    Really helpful for me,
    I’m a Computer teacher in a most reputed school in Multan.
    I was looking for readymade MCQs for self-assessment test for students, and I’m glad to visit this site.

  3. Zamir ud din

    Really helpful for me,
    I’m a Computer teacher in a most reputed school in Gujranwala, I’m happy to visit this site.

  4. Muhammad Rizwan

    Great people great work. I like it very much in my teaching.

    1. Author


      1. Atisham

        Plz upload old book notes

    2. Furqan

      Kindly upload MCQ’S from latest computer course PTB has announced new computer book in 2020 you are still uploaded older one

      1. maliktahira519@gmail.com

        Behtreen notes hai
        Allah bless you and your family

        1. M.,Aslam

          These notes according Punjab Board only. I want notes for federal board could you help me?

  5. Asim

    Computer ki book to shange ho gai ha
    Plz send me new book notes

  6. hafsa nadeem

    Punjab Board Computer Course has Changed.can you please upload new course .

    1. Haider Mustafa

      Yes you are right computer book is changed

  7. subhan ali

    please update these notes because the syllabus of computer book has been changed

  8. Moaz

    Please upload notes of new computer book 2020

  9. Rabia

    Assalam 0 alaikum…! sir plz upload new computer science book 2020 20201 solved exercises

  10. maleeha

    kindly upload the notes according to new sallybus.

  11. Sadaf

    Kindly upload notes according to new syllabus.. plzzz

  12. maleeha

    Kindly upload notes according to new syllabus.. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. adil

    Kindly upload notes according to new syllabus.. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  14. Man zaidi

    Yes please upload new book

  15. awais zaki

    when will you gonna upload computer science notes according to new syllabus?

    1. Afzal manzoor

      Kindly guide me about computer science info

  16. Mrs Sadaf

    Plz upgrade the note according to new syllabus..

  17. waqar

    kindly provide notes for new book

    1. Saad khan

      Fbise books bhi upload kr dein please

  18. Amina

    Yes you r right i was also looking for new book which chapter 1 is problem solving

  19. Hina

    kindly upload new syllabus solution of subject computer

    1. Abid(I love Afghanistan)

      download it from …….loading

  20. AJ Afridi

    Really it is very helpful notes for students and every one

  21. Waseem Qasim

    I think most of visitors are teacher, including…..😁

  22. Khushbakht khan

    It is old edition plz upload the new one

  23. Rehan

    Sir plz computer new book k notes uploade kar de

  24. BOSS

    Upload new book notes I want them urgent next time when I come on your page you should upload before it.

  25. AbdulAhad

    Sir first two chapters new course of computer kay kb upload krein gai sir jldi upload kr daina

  26. ANESSA

    Really helpful for me,

  27. Muhammad Zain

    Kindly upload the 1st or 2nd chp new syllabus

  28. Hajirah

    Please ch 1 and 2 ke new course Q/A bhi upload kr de

  29. uzman

    sir please upload these chapters Urdu medium too.

  30. kinza hashmi

    kindly upload remaining chapters MCQ’s as soon as possible

  31. Hina

    i appreciate your hard work its really helpful thanks

  32. Hina

    i appreciate your hard work its really helpful thanks. Can you please upload notes in urdu as well

  33. zoya

    Kindly upload notes according to new syllabus.. plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Author

      The page contains old and new syllabus notes.

    2. Abubakar

      Please send new book syllabus

  34. Ayesha

    Please federal board ki book key notes upload ker dain

    1. Muskan

      Yes please …….

  35. Mahi

    Plz send note according to new SLA bus

  36. meena

    in the new syllabus of computer science 1st chp is fundamentals of computer

    1. AbdulRafay

      Wrong it’s problem solving

  37. Ayesha

    This website is quite helpful for all students Thanks

  38. Kiran

    Aap computer ke notes Urdu mein bhi website per Dal de… Urdu mein bhi hone chahiye computer nots

  39. M.Saad Javed

    Thanks for these notes [Free ilm]

  40. Syeda Mahnoor

    Wrong information wrong chapters name and others very bad..I’m disappointed:(

  41. Abbas


  42. Saad

    Plz update u computer notes

  43. Saad

    Plz update you Pakistan studies notes and we want solve chemistry Ch numerical questions answers of book

  44. Faiqa Ilyas

    Please send me hardware computer book of class 9 please send on urgent basis

  45. FREEILM786@gmail.com


    1. FREEILM786@gmail.com

      YES, SIS I 100% AGREE WITH YOU……..

  46. dua

    thank you so much for the help

  47. Farab Ahmad

    Have you any WhatsApp group

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