At present, smartphones are used by people in a wide range. All of my friends, teachers, students, almost everyone has a smartphone. And it becomes so easy to surf the internet. Mostly students surf the internet to find educational notes. They download it, take a print of notes and prepare for exams. But the difficulty is if they can’t find the notes of their interest. Or fortunately, if they find it, the notes quality or paper-printing of the document is so bad. It will become so hard to prepare exams from those notes. Therefore, we are trying to solve your problem by providing you with the notes of your educational career. So, check these class 10 physics notes.

Chapter 10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves
Chapter 14 – Current Electricity
Chapter 16 – Basic Electronics
Chapter 17 – Information and Communication Technology
Chapter 18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

In this case, we have encountered some loophole in the class 10 physics notes of other’s site. As a result, we are providing you with notes that are free of them. So, the loopholes that are going to resolve are “notes quality” and “scan quality”. We are focused on both of these to provide with the notes that are written by a great publisher that will help you score maximum marks in your exams. Similarly, we have scanned these notes in a good way that they are readable, clear, and capable of being prepared. Furthermore, the plus point of these notes is; they are in PDF format that is used widely.

On the other hand, talking about the course material of class 10 physics notes. There is some helpful content against each chapter of 10th class physics book. In the case of exercise, there are short questions, long question, multiple-choice questions, and numerical. Similarly, in the case of extra material, there are long questions, short questions, and multiple-choice questions. So, check these notes and prepare for exams.

How did I prepare from these notes? When I was in matric and intermediate. I had prepared all the long question of each chapter first and practiced all the numerical very well. Then I skimmed through all the multiple-choice question and short questions of the chapter. That was enough for me to prepare a chapter and secure good marks in exams. You can use this technique if you like, otherwise, you can prepare in your way.

Useful? Share with your friends.

This Post Has 73 Comments

  1. Nasir

    Increase extra mcq like 9th physics

  2. aqib

    i need this notes

  3. Lloyd

    These notes require more improvement.

    1. Author

      Yes, we’ll improve it.

  4. Lloyd

    Increase Long Questions and try to avoid spelling mistakes

  5. Ahmed

    How to download these notes☹️???

    1. Arbaz Khan

      Click on the down arrow icon at the top right corner of drive section

    2. Hamza

      you go to free.ilm web site and download it,it is a simple solution.

  6. M.Hamza

    fedral board ki 10th class chemistry kay notes upload karo please i am waiting and i will search it daily than

  7. M.Hamza

    no this is already improved

  8. Saiqa abbasi

    Knowledge full notes thanks very you much

    1. Ahmad

      plz upload Urdu medium notes

  9. Arbaz Khan

    Good work and Thanks for such informative notes.

  10. Abdullah

    I need these notes.
    How can I get this notes.

    1. Abdur Rahman

      How i can download on pdf

    2. Touseef ejaz


      1. Haider Ali

        A simple pendulum complete one vibration in ten sec . Calculate it’s length

        1. Anonymous

          T = 10s
          g = 9.8m/s² ≈ 10m/s²
          length = l = ?
          (T² g)/4π² = l
          (10s)²(10m/s²)/[4(3.14)²]= l
          l = 6.3326m

  11. Jahanzaib

    You are doing great job.God bless you! Keep doing this.

  12. Kimberly

    Where can i find from chapter 1-9 ??

  13. Hamna

    plz upload numericals also…..

    1. Author

      already uploaded.

      1. waleed khalid

        i really appericiate yours work

  14. peter

    Where can i find from chapter 1-9 ??

    1. Wadood

      For ch 1 -9 u can check the class 9th physics notes

  15. Asad Maqbool Mughal

    how to download this nots

    1. MMHT

      Open them in Google drive then press download button/make available offline button then they will be automatically downloaded.

  16. kubra

    i really appericiate your work

  17. M.Hassan

    I need edite form of these notes

  18. Jahan zeb

    Good efforts

  19. Sehar

    How to download this notes ?

    1. Hashim

      The name of 1st chapter is “Simple machines”
      Why here not?

    2. Ali

      Pdf likhen search me

    3. Ali

      Its ‘these’ not ‘this’ @Sehar

    4. Faizan

      can’t be downloaded

  20. Eman afzal

    Sir 10 class Kay imp numericals Bata fen

    1. Adnan Ahmad Khan

      First of all you should have main concepts of derivations and their numericals .. first 4 chapters numericals are always important , including chapter 1 velocity frequency wavelength relationship , chap1 conceptual question number 1 , chapter 2 echo and decibel numericals first two .. chapter 3 object and image relationship wrt reciprocal of frequency ..

  21. Taha siddiqi

    Where can find 10 chapter options

  22. Ibrahim

    I need to download the pdf

  23. Muhammad Umais

    Sir 1 full book ka b bana daty

  24. Batool Rani

    Plz upload Class 11 Notes

    1. waleed khalid

      plz send 10th class notes
      maths – biology – physics – chemistry in english medium

  25. Waseem

    Almost all ch12 numerical problems are wrong
    Answers written on book are completely different

    1. Author

      May be, you have different syllabus.

    2. Ali



    There is a mistake in the class 10 physics chapter no : 11 Sound. Numerical number 11.9

    1. Author

      Okay, we’ll check it.

  27. Ali


    1. Maryam

      How to download this notes

      1. Gull Zaman

        kon sey subject k

        1. Sonia

          How to download this notes

      2. fizza

        phone s yawr ofcourse😂

  28. Fiza Aziz

    What? different syllabus 🤨🤨🤨

  29. ifa abdo

    Your comment here… very much

  30. Ghulam Ali

    can you plz upload notes of physics national book foundation

  31. Bharmal

    Please send me all notse class ten

  32. Fatima Murtaza

    Really helpful in my exams. Thank you so much.

  33. Sonia

    Plz send all numaricals notes class ten

  34. RJ

    Plz upgrade your notes of physics chapter 11 sound class 10

  35. Sameer

    These are too helpful,🤗🤗🤗

  36. samra

    how to download these kindly tell me please.

  37. alisha ashfaq

    examples are missing


    Good day in school cauz of these notes .

  39. Hamna

    Very good effort very helpful for people who are teavelling and for other purposes as well er well done.👏👏👏👏👏

  40. Fareha

    Highly appreciated sir

  41. Zeeshan

    I think there is a mistake made in chapter 14,
    numerical 14.9.

  42. Zeeshan

    never mind,
    I misread it.
    The question appears to be in order.

  43. Meerab

    Thanks these are helpful

  44. Aqsa❤️

    Excellent 👌

  45. FAHAD

    Sir and other partners who creat this website Allah bless them

  46. Ayesha Gulzar

    you should give all answers for short question except giving reference of long questions it create problem in learning please

  47. Hareem Mughal

    Thank you soo much sir for this helpful notes

  48. Ayesha

    Sir I think chap 10 7 mcqs answer is 1500 not 60….

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