Solutions – MCQ’s
- The emulsions are the type of solution:
(a) Solid in solid
(b) Liquid in solid ✓
(c) Gas in liquid
(d) None of these
- In true solution, the particle are the type of solution:
(a) 0.1mµ ✓
(b) 10.0 mµ
(c) 0.5mµ
(d) 1.0 mµ
- Which property is not for suspensions?
(a) Homogeneous
(b) Cannot be seen by naked eye ✓
(c) Not a true solution
(d) Solid in liquid
- The concentration of the solute in solution, when it is en equilibrium with solid substance, at a particular temperature is called:
(a) Molarity
(b) Dilution
(c) Colloidal solution
(d) Supersaturated solution ✓
- A solution containing relatively higher concentration of solute is called:
(a) Dilute solution
(b) Saturated solution
(c) Concentrated solution ✓
(d) Suspension
- Fog is an example of solution:
(a) Solid in gas ✓
(b) Liquid in gas
(c) Liquid in solid
(d) Solid in liquid
- Emulsions are the colloidal dispersion of liquid in:
(a) Solid ✓
(b) Gas
(c) liquid
(d) Water
- The suspension particles have appearance:
(a) Uniform
(b) Transparent
(c) Opaque ✓
(d) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
- Starch, glue are the examples of:
(a) Colloidal solution
(b) Solution
(c) Colloids ✓
(d) Crystalloids
- Solution which can dissolve further amount of a solute at particular temperature is called:
(a) Saturated solution
(b) Unsaturated solution ✓
(c) Colloidal solution
(d) Supersaturated solution
- The solution which can easily pass through parchment membrane is considered as:
(a) Colloidal solution
(b) True solution ✓
(c) Suspensions
(d) Crystalloids
- Change of temperature can change the______ of a solute in a solvent.
(a) Dilution
(b) Solubility ✓
(c) Molarity
(d) Dipole moment
- The ionic and polar compounds like NaCl and HCl are more soluble in water than non-polar covalent compounds like.
(a) CCl4
(b) Benzene
(c) CS2
(d) All of these ✓
- Which one produced colloidal solution
(a) Blood ✓
(b) Cooper Sulphate solution
(c) Silver nitrate solution
(d) None of these
- Concentration is most often expressed as the ratio of the amount of _________to the amount of solution.
(a) Solute ✓
(b) solvent
(c) brine
(d) salt
- Number of moles of solute per dm3 of the solution is called:
(a) Molarity ✓
(b) molality
(c) normality
(d) density
- Sodium amalgam which two metals as present
(a) Na and Mg
(b) Na and Mµ
(c) Na and Hg ✓
(d) Zn and Co
- The concentrated solution of NaCl is called:
(a) Fluid
(b) Brass
(c) Brine ✓
(d) Plasma
- Brass is a familiar alloy, made of:
(a) zinc + carbon
(b) Zinc + copper ✓
(c) copper + iron
(d) zinc + lead
- The homogeneous mixture of two or more compounds is called:
(a) solute
(b) solvent
(c) solution ✓
(d) fluid
- Which of the following solutions contains least amount of water?
(a) 2M ✓
(b) 1M
(c) 0.5 M
(d) 0.25M
- Opal is an example of solution
(a) Liquid in solid
(b) Solid in gas
(c) Solid in solid ✓
(d) Gas in liquid
- 1M solution is diluted to ten time, its new morality is:
(a) 0.01M ✓
(b) 0.9M
(c) 0.2M
(d) 0.1M
- Which one of the following is true solution?
(a) Paints
(b) Alcohol in water ✓
(c) Milk
(d) Milk of magnesia
- Heat is absorbed on dissolving which one of the following salts:
(a) NaCl
(b) Ce2(SO4)3
(c) NaNO3 ✓
(d) Li2SO4
- Smoke is an example of solution
(a) Solid in gas ✓
(b) Gas in liquid
(c) Liquid in solid
(d) Gas in solid
- KCl is soluble in
(a) Water ✓
(b) Benzene
(c) Ether
(d) Kerosene oil
- Naphthalene is soluble in
(a) Water
(b) Ether
(c) Carbon tetrachloride
(d) Both (b) and (c) ✓
- Blood is an example of
(a) True solution
(b) Suspension
(c) Colloid ✓
(d) None of all
- 20 g of NaOH has been dissolved in 0.5dm3 of the solution its molarity is:
(a) 0.1M
(b) 1.0M ✓
(c) 0.5M
(d) 1.5M
- What mass of NaOH is required to prepare 1M 500cm3 of the solution:
(a) 10g
(b) 20g ✓
(c) 30g
(d) 40g
- What volume of 2M solution of H2SO4 is required to prepare 500 cm31M solution?
(a) 10cm3
(b) 15cm3
(c) 20cm3
(d) 25cm3 ✓
- 2g of NaCl has been dissolved in 20.0g of H2O, its % m/m is
(a) 9.09% ✓
(b) 19.09%
(c) 1.9%
(d) 10.0%
- Identify among the following which one is universal solvent?
(b) Liquid ammonia
(c) Water ✓
(d) Ethanol
- Which one of the following salts gives out heat on dissolving in water?
(a) NaCl
(b) Ce2 (SO4)3 ✓
(c) KNO3
(d) KCl
- Mist is an example of solution
(a) Liquid in gas ✓
(b) Gas in liquid
(c) Solid in gas
(d) Gas in solid
- Which one of the following is a liquid in solid solution?
(a) Sugar in water
(b) Butter
(c) Solvent to solution
(d) Fog ✓
- Which one of the following solutions contains more water?
(a) 2 M
(b) 1 M
(c) 0.5 M
(d) 0.25 M ✓
- Tynadall effect is shown by
(a) Sugar solution
(b) Jelly ✓
(c) Paints
(d) Chalk solution
- Tyndall effect is due to
(a) Blockage of beam of light
(b) Non-scattering of beam of light
(c) Scattering of beam of light ✓
(d) Passing through beam of light
- If 10cm3 of alcohol is dissolved in 100g of water, it is called
(a) % m/m
(b) % m/v
(c) % v/m ✓
(d) % v/v
- Sea water is a source of
(a) Fog
(b) Opal ✓
(c) Soft drink
(d) Cheese
- Which one of the following solutions contains maximum amount of water?
(a) 2M
(b) 1M
(c) 0.5 M
(d) 0.25 M ✓
- Brass is a solid solution of
(a) Zn and Cd
(b) Zn and Cu ✓
(c) Zn and Hg
(d) Zn and Mg
- 10cm3 of 0.01 molar KMnO4 solution has been diluted to 100 cm3 its molarity will become
(a) 0.001 M ✓
(b) 0.1 M
(c) 0.01M
(d) 1 M