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Class 12 Mr. Chips

Mr. Chips Summary


Mr. Chips was a retired school master.

  • He lived at Mrs. Wickett’s for more than a decade after retirement.
  • He was given to day-dreaming.
  • He was born in 1848.
  • He was a child just beginning to walk when he was taken to great exhibition.
  • He could remember Wetherby’s time.
  • He was twenty two years old, when he came to Brookfield.
  • He had served for a year at Melbury before this.
  • He could remember the day of his preliminary interview with Mr. Wetherby and his advice.
  • He could not forget his first tremendous ordeal of taking the class.
  • He was never below par despite his growing old age.
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Brookfield was an old foundation.

  • In the region of Elizabeth at was established as a Grammar school.
  • Its main structure was re-built in the region of George First.
  • Wetherby, a headmaster, came in 1840.
  • He restored its position. But in later history it remained an ordinary school.
  • It accepted Mr. Chips an ordinary teacher, because it was a school of no repute.
  • Mr. Chips was an ambitious man in his youth.
  • He realized later on that he could not be a headmaster else-where.
  • He settled himself that till he was retired and given pension.
  • He went across the road to live at Mrs. Wickett’s.


He was a small but very comfortable and airy room at Mrs. Wickett’s.

  • He liked it, though the house itself was ugly, because from her he could contract with the school.
  • He entertained the boys as well as master with tea and cakes.
  • He dismissed them punctually at five after the session has lasted for an hour.
  • He was leading a pleasant, placid life with no worries.
  • He was furnished simply and with school masterly taste.
  • His books of study were, classical, of history, bells-letters and cheap editions of detective novels.
  • He was not a very profound scholar despite his long years of teaching.
  • So Chips, an old man white haired and only, little bald, lived there luxuriating in reading, talking, receiving callers busying himself with corrections for the next edition of Brookfield Directory.
  • For his callers he was an eccentric man, very fussy about mixing the tea—-a typical bachelor.


Chips married in 1896.

  • During the summer vacations he went up to the Lake District with his colleague, Rowden.
  • Rowden went home after a week and Chips stayed alone at Wasdale Head.
  • One day he saw a girl on Great Gable signaling to her friend farther down the mountain.
  • He thought she was involved in difficulties. He hastened to help her and in doing so he wrenched his ankle.
  • She helped him. Chips  was ill at ease, because he was conservative.
  • He disliked modern women.
  • She had modern views about women, politics.
  • Despite their conflicting views, they fell in love.
  • Before Chips could walk without a stick, they considered themselves engaged and they were married in London.


Chips recalled the incidents of the spring of 1896 in his hour of day-dreaming.

  • He envisaged the great gable, re-smeit the washed air, and re-followed the ribbon of the pass across to stay Head.
  • That time of dizzy happiness, the evening strolls, her cool voice and her gay laughter clearly lingered in his mind.
  • Both had been eager about planning a future.
  • She liked the  school-boys and his profession of teaching.
  • He could not forget that morning when she had laughed in response his self denunciation.
  • She had no parents and was married from the house of an ant in Ealing.


His marriage was triumphant success.

  • Katherine won over Brookfield as she had conquered Chips.
  • The boys as well as masters and even the wives of the masters were dominated by her charms.
  • Above all, she exerted an immensely great influence on the formation and development of chips character.
  • Till his marriage he had been a dry and rather neutral sort of person.
  • He was hard-working; he was conscious; but his work was without inspiration.
  • She made him, to all appearances a new man.
  • His eyes flashed; his mind began to work more adventurously; his sense of humour blossomed.
  • He was obeyed, honoured but now he began to be loved by the boys. He gained popularity.
  • Katherine made him broad-minded.


Chips  was pre-occupied with a host of incidents buried in the past with twilight at Mrs. Wickett’s.

  • He envisaged Katherine running hastily along the corridors and playing on Violoncello.
  • She was a good player and a fine musician.
  • She advised him in every little problems that across.
  • She advised to be lenient to the boys in general and to be strict with the stubborn sort of students.
  • Chips wished to write those incidents of the past in the form of a book.
  • Sometimes he went seven so far as to make desultory notes in an exercise book.
  • But the work was greatly tiresome for him.
  • Moreover, his recollections lost much of flavour when they were written down.
  • All the same, there he was dreaming again before the fire, dreaming of times and incidents in which he alone could take secret interest.


The spring day of 1898 was unforgettable for him.

  • He was terribly shocked by the death of his wife and his newly-born child.
  • He was indisposed to receive condolences.
  • He tried to busy himself with his routine work.
  • The same day he received a lot of letters containing blank sheets of paper.
  • He made no comment.
  • A day afterwards he came to know that it was piece of April Foolery.


Chips shifted to his original bachelor quarters after the death of his wife and newly-born child.

  • He did not give house mastership.
  • The work, though not cure, proved sedative for him.
  • For the first time the people noticed that he was getting on in years.
  • Like marriage bereavement brought many changes in him.
  • With his maturity he became self-confident.
  • He did not feel different about his work and worth.
  • He adopted peculiar mannerism in his habits and dress.
  • Katherine had left him with a clambers that accorded well with his own inward emotions.
  • He was not bitterly against Boers without being Pro-Boer.
  • He was orthodox about Lloyd George and the famous budget.
  • He was at an age when he could get away with every person.


Chips became the acting head after the demise of old Meldrum in 1900.

  • Ralston was appointed as his successor.
  • Ralston had an impressive personality. He was youngster of 37 years.
  • The years before retirement had memorable pictures for him.
  • He could not forget a May morning when the whole school had assembled to condole the death of King Edward.
  • He remembered a summer morning when the railway men were on strike.
  • Diamond Jubilee was another memorable event.
  • Many other things rushed in his mind like Champagne suppers and unemployed merchers, Marconi, Home and H.M.S.
  • He could not forget an April evening when he rebuked Grayson.
  • Later on Chips had to commiserate with Grayson, the senior, for his son’s untimely death.


He had a dispute with Ralston in 1908.

  • He asked him to retire.
  • Chips had never considered about it.
  • On this they began to argue.
  • Ralston told him plainly that he had old-fashioned methods of teaching and he was disorderly in personal demeanour.
  • Ralston raised objection to his out-of-date pronunciation.
  • For Ralston Chips luxuriated too much in the past and not enough in the present and future.
  • Chips thought that Ralston was running Brookfield like a factory which will produce money-mined people.
  • Chips came  to know about his popularity when there was an outburst of sympathy for him and talk of riot, in case Ralston made Chips to resign.

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Rashid

    sir, can you plz share important points of other chapters same like that plz?

  2. Malaika Dar

    Thats good … U have done a nice job … Thanks dear one … It helped me really …

  3. Maryam

    What was special about chips gown
    Plz answer the question

  4. suman saleem

    plz, share the important points of other chapters plz plz plz……

  5. Sadiqa

    These notes are very helpful

  6. Sana

    plz share the other lesson summary 12 to 18. i am not able to see other summaries after 11 lesson

  7. Kashan

    Really thanks for this outstanding help ☺️

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