Are you guys looking for some solid notes and helping material of class 10 Islamiat notes. Then you are on right place, on our website we provide you with these Notes and also other (notes, past papers, exercises, schemes and much more). We assure you that on our site, all of the material has been precisely prepared according to paper patterns and schemes. You can access all of these resources for free from our site. Skimming through the different materials gives us exposure and makes the remembering things easy. So, what are you waiting for go and have a look.
Our mission is to provide you with everything that is essential for your growth in your educational career of 10th class. From textbooks to their notes and exercises to papers … I mean Past Papers, you know. You can access Books, Notes, and Past Paper for free from our website.
You are free to download the class 10 Islamiat notes containing Chapters Questions Answers, Hadees Tashreeh, Surah Al Ahzab Translation below and get the foremost of it. Not only keep this notes restricted to you but also, you must share along with your friends and loving ones.
some long questions are missing
Can u kindly send surah احزاب notes
This is not according to updated syllabus.
I think ye latest book ni he ap ne kis year me ye kiye hain plz reply
Class 10th ki surat ahzab k notes kahan hn?
Please upload surah ahzab notes
Surah Ahzaab notes plzzz….
The book is changed now so please provide notes according to that book
surah aizab kay q ans upload krien plzz
Plz surah mumtahina send karain
Yes sir 😌
Please upload surrah ahzab notes
All chapter questions available hai
Kindly remove the inappropriate ads from this website.
please upload surah ahzab and surah mumtahina notes
Surah Ahzab Notes??
Please send the Surah Ahzab notes
Surah e Mumtahina notes???
Islamiyat notes mil Sakta ha
Please send the surah azab notes
Surah ahzab please
Very Soon.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Surah Al-Mumtahina Notes Uploaded.
Aoa..Sir Suraah Ahzaab k short questions k notes nai han kya??
please urdu ki nazme aur ghazals ke notes upload kr dey
Surat anfal plz..
sir plz post chapter no. 9 long questions plzzz
These are uploaded.
Plzz tell me how to download these notes
Plzz Urdu Essays according to Smart syllabus of 10th class???
Plzz share notes of islamiat new edition of 2024 🙏🙏
1st 2nd 3rd chapter hi nahi he jo pattern me he…
These are included in 9th class islamiat notes.
I got some important questions
Tis website is good
Very easy notes
plz upload eng notes tooo
There is mistake in surah ahzab ayat no 20. Kindly correct it.correct it
There is no mistake found in it.
Plzz tell me how to download these notes
Reply me as soon as possible
simple google per ja ker search karo
Open the page
Click the arrow on the top of right
And there you will see the option of download!!!
Extra short questions of surah anfal and mumtahinah please
All your content is great I really appreciate your work and shall be always grateful. But the thing I want you to add is that their are no ayat-e-qurani or ahdees in the tashree of hadees so please add it because it is very important from exam point of view 🙂
Absolutely yes🤠
Please upload Islamiyat notes in English too
please upload short questions too.
it is incredible and u have done an excellent work for students but pls gently also add short questions that might make our studies more comfortable
This notes is very easy please make tough notes extraordinary students
Some long questions of jihad chapter r missing
good but how to download for offline
Yar name ap loogon ne free ilm rekha howa hy aur download ki option ni di kam tu koi shak ni excellent se bhi upr hy lkn print ki option dn lazmi meri beati ko chahiye thay mai ne pehly screen short liye pher crop kiya phr print liya ho tu jata hy lkn ap print ki option de dn tu sawab ka kam hy
now, it is available.
It’s not available
Best and clear notes claaapppiiiinnnggggggg👏👏👋🏿👋🏽
In hadees 16, where this is written hadees e qudsi hay..
That’s not hadeees ……
Islamiat class 10th ruku 9 download error
Please mozzo atti motalay kay notes
Additional short are missing
sir your website is very helpful.
Please sent me
islamyat notes
I think there no need to go to school bcz these notes are best teachers for us💜💜….. thanksgiving..🥰
Sir you can’t upload new version of Islamiat
Bro new book islamiat k note send kray plZzz
Islamiat book is changed and arbic book is missing
plz class 10 ky new syllabus ky notes upload kr den
Please upload the notes accordin to the new sllybus, these notes are not related to the new audition or new sllybus of 10 class
New islamiyat ko add krain
Class 10 islamiate new edition book solution pdf nhi Aya kindly jaldi snd Kar dain
Plz upload new syllabus of islamiat
It’s old syllabus of islamiat please add new syllabus of 2023-24
Sir add new syllabus of Islamiat
Your app is amazing. I can have islamic knowledge without any hustle. Keep it up. Jazakallah
Class 10th new syllabus solution pdf nahi Aya. Please wo jaldi upload Karen.
Sir please upload new edition if class 10
The syllabus of 10 class is changed will you please upload the new notes of islamiat
Plz enter the note of terjuma tul Quran of 10th class
It is helpful
We need to write the answer of short question with the reference ayat TransLation so write the answers with the ayat in the notes of surah ahzab and mumtahina
Actually tomorrow is my paper of send up!!
And i literally haven’t studied anything. Just because I’m taking it for granted from beginning or anything else. Well well!!! Just leave it
This website surprise me cause i study the things that i haven’t seen in book and got to know that perhaps it will help me in paper.
Wish me good luck.
And also pray for my result of improvement 🙏🏻
Thanks 👍🏻
Notes for long questions should be made according to new E-sheet in federal board so that answers can easily be written in 2 pages
please upload new notes of isl
New notes of Islamiat????????????
Yes we need
Please upload new course
Upload new course please
islamyat new edition notes not availiable please publisgh them asap
Upload Islamiyat notes of the new syllabus in English version too, please… I can’t find its notes anywhere.
Having a website like this is such a good thing for students to make their studies more easier.This website is such a good thing for us.I am gratefully thanking you for this website Thank you very much.this is really a good thing for us.Once again thank you very much…
please upload the new syllabus of Islamiat